
Color Development

We understand how passionate you are about your product design. We are equally passionate about color and appearance quality.

Once you’ve chosen your target colors and need materials that match, it can be a daunting task. We provide expert oversight for this process.

We work closely with you to fully understand the design intent of your projects. From there we interface with your vending partners, onsite or remotely, throughout the color matching process to ensure that you approve of the resulting colors.

This allows you to focus on other tasks while we keep our eyes on the color development. We have gained the trust of today's top design teams. Let us be your eyes when you can’t be there. You will quickly realize the resulting quality and value of our expertise.

Product Lifecycle

Congratulations! Your colors are developed, and orders have been placed for production. You’re ready to move on to your next project, but how do you know your colors stay “on color”?

Most processes inherent in manufacturing can impact color and appearance. When they do, costly delays and rework are common. Many companies aren’t prepared to successfully handle color quality assurance in-house. Since color is a visual experience, the purpose of any color quality program is to preserve the way colors look after production begins. Instruments are integral tools, and can help accomplish that goal, but customers are also interested in how their colors appear when they look at them, not just how they measure.

TONE provides the ability to set realistic expectations for your supply chain partners to adhere to. As part of our color inspections, we also apply superior visual color discernment, always striving to maintain your color’s integrity. If issues arise they’re caught before the next process begins, and more importantly, before your customer sees them.

Color Management

The logistics that go into distributing your color standards is a tedious task. It requires a keen eye for color as well as a high level of color communication and organization.

TONE offers a proprietary/secure multi-functional library storage and distribution tool that, paired with our expertise in color evaluation, serves as a robust, easy-to-use system, for you and your partners to access color data and corresponding samples from your mobile device at a moment's notice. Before making it available, we inspect every color standard received, visually and numerically, so that color and appearance is consistent with the original approved color match.

Our service provides an invaluable level of stewardship that keeps track of your colors, associated substrates, and color ID’s to correctly communicate your brand colors throughout their lifecycle.

Simply stated, TONE wants to be the Guardian of your colors.